About Threshold DiceWorks

Thanks for visiting my shop, for anyone new to Threshold Diceworks, welcome! for anyone familiar with my earlier etsy store and online signups, welcome back!

I started on this little journey back in February of 2017, when a friend and I were discussing old dice. What we had, what was out there, stuff we thought was exotic at the time ect ect. We both are what I think of as second generation D&D players, we got our start in the early to mid eighties, when the red box sets came out but the earlier editions were still widely available. we got to talking about the Holmes basic set of dice "which were almost a legend to us" how they would fall apart or you had to use chits instead of dice due to shortages.

 I still have my first set of dice. But I never had a Holmes set and the online sales price seemed a bit out of reach.
Over the years I've grown fond of the "precision" style of dice out there, and I started to wonder if it was possible to MAKE my own.
I got into making dice a while back when my friends challenged me "to see if I could do it". I have a few 3d printers. So put some CAD knowledge together with a love of tinkering and D&D, and VIOLA the quest for my own dice had begun. After six months, allot of trial and error, and a strange rash, I made my first successful dice set!
So seven years on I've had allot of success and owe a big Thank you to everyone who have purchased my dice I really hope you are still playing with and enjoying them!
 So Welcome to the Third iteration of Threshold Diceworks, I've learned allot, I hope that is reflected in the dice I make.